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How does a visit go?

We resolutely adopt a mix of a personal and scientific approach. Read on quickly to find out how.

Step 1. Introduction

Our advisors value personal contact and commitment. So to paint as complete a picture of you as possible, we are curious about you.
Who are you? What are your ambitions, what is your experience, do you have or have you suffered any injuries, what surface do you prefer to run on, are you an experienced runner/hiker or even a (top) athlete?
Have you just started running and don’t know if you’ve come to the right place? The answer is: of course it does! Our goal is to advise and inspire you as comprehensively as possible so that you can run, perform and enjoy yourself optimally.

Step 2. Let’s run/walk

We now know who you are. What we don’t know yet is the unique unrolling pattern of your feet. Our facilities are equipped with a 30m long test track with built-in footscan® technology. This advanced technology records your roll-off pattern and unique foot profile with more than 500 frames per second and +16,000 pressure sensors.
The beauty of this scientific technology is that our consultant can derive a lot of information from it. Which part of your foot catches the most pressure, do you land on your heels, midfoot or forefoot, do you have a sagging foot or a hollow foot, do you pronate or supinate,…
Even the risk of certain injuries (shin splints, Achilles tendon problems, knee problems, hip or back problems) our advisors may derive from this.

Step 3. The shoes

It’s not about what you think is a nice shoe. Let your feet choose!
With your personal foot profile in mind, our consultant travels to the stock where selection is made among the hundreds of different models. Did you know that as one of the only specialty stores in Europe, we also have width sizes and running shoes up to size 52?
Proper shoe selection plays a big role in preventing injury. Good technical shoes need not necessarily be expensive, either. Our shoes range between €130 and €190. From all major well-known and small specialized brands, we offer only the selected top models that meet our quality label.

Step 4. Test your shoes

The different models our advisor selects for you are then tested one by one on our 30m long test track. Based on your findings and the results of the Footscan® technology, the model with the best combination of support and fit is searched for.
If necessary, the insoles of your shoes will be adjusted in our workshop. This personalization allows us to accommodate asymmetry or provide additional support for your feet at specific pressure points. These adjustments are also free of charge and included in our comprehensive service.

Step 5. Runners’ service

If necessary, the insoles of your shoes will be adjusted in our workshop. This customization allows it to accommodate asymmetry or provide additional support for your feet at specific pressure points. These adjustments are also free of charge and included in our comprehensive service.
A Footscan® analysis, comprehensive personal consultation and insole adjustments are completely free with the purchase of a pair of shoes. Want some time to think about it before making your final purchase of the shoe? Then we charge a deposit of €30. You will receive this back in the form of a voucher when you purchase the shoes at a later date.



Should I make an appointment for a running or walking analysis?
Should I provide special attire for a running or walking analysis?
Can I have a running analysis even as a non-runner?
How much does a running or walking analysis cost?
How long does a running or walking analysis take?
May I stop by for an analysis with (running) shoes purchased elsewhere?
What is the difference between a store analysis and a Prolab analysis?

Running or walking analysis (Footscan pressure measurement) in the store provides a lot of information about foot roll-off. These insights are useful when recommending walking and running shoes and formatting orthotics. We do this analysis by default in every filal and with every client (beginner to elite athlete). The results are discussed orally.

At the Prolab, gait analysis (Footscan pressure measurement) is augmented by video and marker analysis of the entire walking posture with high-speed cameras.
This can be supplemented by a back scan, measurement of any leg length difference and a body composition scan. All results are discussed orally. You will also receive these afterwards via email, along with a report of the main results.

The Prolab analysis is useful for anyone who wants a comprehensive analysis of their complete running posture or if a running analysis in the store would indicate that more research is needed.

Where should I go for a Prolab analysis?

A Prolab analysis is only possible in our store in Zwijndrecht.


How should I maintain my running and walking shoes?
How long do running shoes last?
How can I tell if my running or walking shoes need replacement?
Why shouldn't I base my choice on the looks of a running or walking shoe?
Can I come back with my running shoes if it doesn't go well?


Do I need to make an appointment for orthotics measurements?
How long do orthotics last?
Do Runners' lab orthotics fit all shoes?
Do you also make orthotics for children?
How long does it take to make orthotics?
How much do your orthotics cost?
Are orthotics from Runners' lab reimbursed by health insurance?

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