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September 24, 2023. Does it ring a bell? For our 3 Runners’ lab employees, it does. They will fully look forward to this day: the Berlin Marathon.

The Berlin Marathon. Also known as the marathon where the world record was run in 2022, where many top athletes appear at the starting line every year, and where you finish under the famous Brandenburg Gate.

Vinnie, Stefanie and melissa take you through their own Road to Berlin. For 12 weeks you can follow them as they train. 3 runners, 3 character, 3 goals.

Vinnie: sub 2h30′
Stefanie: sub 3h
Melissa: sub 4h


They each have their own story, they bring their personal road to the marathon as it really is. No content pretending to be better than it really is. Inspiring, interesting and even funny images and useful information, though. With this, they want to motivate and help you towards your (first) marathon.

One thing we can tell you in advance: you definitely don’t have to be an elite runner to take on this 42.2km. With the right motivation, it is certainly possible.

Are you going for a hazing as a marathon runner, or do you already have several on your record? You will recognize yourself in one of our three runners anyway.

Follow their road and get inspired

Together is more fun than alone. Are you also training for the Berlin Marathon, or do you have other goals in mind? In our vlog, we cover topics guaranteed to be relevant during your preparations.

  • Tips and tricks from two elite runners from the Runners’ lab Athletics Team.
  • How do you adapt your clothes, diet and daily schedule to your workouts?
  • How can you prevent injury and recover after a long, hard workout?
  • How do you best prepare yourself for the competition?
  • D-day: live in Berlin, the weekend of the marathon.
  • Berlin +1: how are the runners doing?